How to get started?
Before beginning any exercise program
you should discuss your plans with your doctor, especially
if you are not physically active. The physical examination given
by your doctor will help you
avoid serious illness or injury. Your doctor may give you specific
advice relating to your health
that best suit your needs. You may also want to seek out advice
from a fitness expert for a plan
that best fits your lifestyle.
Enjoying a physical activity is the
key to sticking to an exercise program. Before you know it, you
will be benefiting physically.
Make sure the activities are appropriate for attaining your goals.
For example, if you wish to
lose weight, you will want to choose and aerobic exercise, such
as walking, running, aerobic
classes or biking as well as a weight training program since increased
muscle mass raises metabolism
and burns additional calories.
Make sure you prepare for the activity
ahead of time. For example bring a pair of sneakers that you
can use during a walking or running activity to work and keep
them in a bag just in case an opportunity
arises to walk during your lunch hour. Many people walk with each
other during this time. The
key is picking a convenient location and time for you. Find a
local health club near your
home or work so that you can access it easily. Don’t just think
about it, do it. Actions speak louder
than words.
Start Slow, always spend the first
couple of minutes getting acclimated to the increased demands
that exercise places on your
body. This is called a warm-up. Be sure to stretch thoroughly
after exercise to relax your
muscles and prevent soreness. After your workout is the best time
to stretch, your body is all
warmed up and will receive the full benefit to the stretching.
Be good to yourself and resist
the temptation to do too much, too soon. Be real about your fitness
goals. When you push yourself
to hard you are likely to have an injury, fatigue or be very discouraged.
Gradually length your workouts
and increase the intensity. If you feel discomfort slow down or
stop until you’re ready to
try again.
How Often Should I Exercise?
The benefits of any exercise program
will diminish if it’s disrupted too frequently. A "stop-start"
routine is not only ineffective,
but can cause injuries. Being consistent with exercise. By being
consistent, you will achieve
your desired results.
People often assume that more is
better. WRONG!! Doing too much too soon or performing intense
exercises on a daily basis will have destructive effects such
as muscle/tendon strains, loss
of lean tissue and fitness level plateaus.
If you’re a beginner, start off slower
than you think you should. Three days per week is a realistic,
safe and effective time. If
you are experienced, do cardiovascular (aerobic) exercises such
as walking, jogging classes
(aerobic) and bicycling for no more than 200 minutes per week
with no more than 60 minutes
per session.
Weight training should be incorporated
in your workout schedule. You should do no more than three times
per week targeting the same muscles groups. Exercising the same
muscle groups on nonconsecutive days because muscles need adequate
time to recover and cannot be effectively trained if they are
tired for sore.
So many people forget to stretch
or make the excuse that they don’t have the time. Flexibility
is important, so make the time!
Stretching can be done every day, but stick to a minimum of three
times per week in order to
reap the benefits. When the body is warmed up, such as after a
workout session, perform five
to 10 stretches that target the major muscle groups. Hold each
stretch for 10-30 seconds.
do not forget to drink water before, during and after you participate
in any physical activity.
Next feature: Designing a Personalized
Exercise Program